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Excel stuff!

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Password never expire


Converting LDAP dates

DATES that look like 127524839567199000 (pwdLastSet and accountExpires)

These values store time values in 100 nanoseconds segments from 01-Jan-1601. As we will use Excel, it is useful to know that Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days from 01-Jan-1900, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day; something like ddddd.ttttt (serial date and times). To convert these LDAP date values to meaningful dates, use the following code:

Converting LDAP date values to human readable dates in Excel; F2 is source cell

  • =IF(F2>0,F2/864000000000 - 109205,"")
  • =IF(F2>0;F2/864000000000 - 109205;"")

NOTE: accountExpires also can hold values of 0 or 9223372036854770000 which basically mean that these accounts are NEVER set to expire. However, these values return an error on the serial date format in Excel. So, a better way to do this in Excel is shown using the following code:

Converting LDAP date values to human readable dates in Excel; F2 is source cell

  • =IF(OR(F2=9223372036854770000,F2=0)=TRUE,73050,IF(F2>0,F2/864000000000 - 109205,""))
  • =IF(OR(F2=9223372036854770000;F2=0)=TRUE;73050;IF(F2>0;F2/864000000000 - 109205;""))

DATES that look like 20050210223453.0Z (whenChanged)

This value representation is typical for attributes like whenChanged. To convert these LDAP date values to meaningful dates, use the following code:

Converting LDAP date values to human readable dates in Excel; F2 is source cell


From <http://maxvit.net/convert_ldap_dates>